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PhytoFungoPharm Suppositories Rectofit 5 anti-inflammatory, antitumor 2g x 10pcs

PhytoFungoPharm Suppositories Rectofit 5 anti-inflammatory, antitumor 2g x 10pcs

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Ingredients (homeopathic): propolis extract, juniper oil, fir, eucalyptus, tea tree, medicinal herbs - maklea, hemlock, betulin, kupena. The base of the candles is cocoa butter.

Application: For inflammatory, benign (prostate adenoma), tumor (oncological) diseases of the prostate gland, rectum, fibroids, endometriosis, cysts, general oncology, fungal-viral diseases. Before use, apply part of the melted candle to the most sensitive areas of the skin - the corners of the lips, earlobe, etc. If you do not feel discomfort and do not have an allergic reaction, then we proceed to the procedures.

Anal application. At night, do a cleansing micro enema of the colon. After the procedure, open one suppository from the shell and insert it into the anus, i.e. into the rectum. This procedure should be carried out at night before going to bed. (Enhanced treatment) - in the morning after natural bowel movement, another suppository is inserted. And so on for 30 days, 2 times a day. Cleansing micro-enemas can be with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, etc.) If for some reason micro-enemas are not possible, then you can do without them.

Candles should be stored on the refrigerator door. Before use, free the candle from the shell; to do this, use nail scissors to cut the candle along the edge, freeing it from the shell, or separate it by tearing it apart.

Candles must be refrigerated before opening.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to bee products, allergy to eff. oils and herbs, pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age.

Candles "Rectofit No. 5", a healing traditional medicine. It is recommended to consult a specialist.

The course of application is 3-6 months.

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