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Herbal drink VIVATON

Herbal drink VIVATON

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The concentrate of the herbal drink "Vivaton" obtained from a collection of medicinal plants allows you to quickly and easily prepare a drink with beneficial properties and a pleasant tart taste at home. The drink strengthens the body's immune system, calms the nervous system and improves mood, normalizes the acid-base balance in the body, saturates the body with a whole range of nutrients. Does not contain dyes, sugar or sugar substitutes.

Recommendations for use: shake the product before use. Dissolve the contents of one bottle in 1 liter of drinking water. Drink 1 liter (33.81oz) of the resulting drink during the day. Store the opened bottle and the finished drink at a temperature of +2C to +10C for no more than 2 days. The recommended duration of use is 1 month.

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