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Tukofit suppositories for diseases of the female reproductive system 10pcs

Tukofit suppositories for diseases of the female reproductive system 10pcs

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Tukofit suppositories are a preparation for the prevention and treatment of many pathologies of the female sphere. The product with an exclusively natural composition relieves inflammation, fights pathogenic microorganisms, has an antitumor, resolving effect, relieves pain and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.

The composition includes natural herbs that grow in the ecological area of ​​the Caucasus. Components from nature itself have a multifaceted effect on the body. The herbs used have long been used in alternative medicine for the treatment of the female genital area.

Indications for use
The homeopathic preparation Tukofit is not considered a medicine and is intended for those who prefer to maintain their health with natural components.

The natural remedy is recommended for the following women's health problems:
myomas, fibromas, fibroids, fibroadenomas;
ovarian cysts;
inflammatory processes in the female organs;
adhesive processes caused by various interventions, as a result of inflammation in the female organs;
thick, heavy discharge;
endometriosis and other diseases of the female genital area.
Women's diseases have a negative effect on the entire body, so it is important to treat ailments in a timely manner to prevent the development of complications. The use of vaginal suppositories "Tukofit" prevents and promotes the cure of various female diseases, eliminates unpleasant symptoms - discomfort, itching, discharge, etc.

Useful properties
The natural remedy has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, antitumor, resorption effect, relieves pain, promotes healing. With uniform distribution, a local bactericidal, fungicidal effect is achieved.

The effect of the drug on the female body:
promotes the regeneration of damage, cell renewal, heals;
relieves swelling, inflammatory processes in the female genital organs;
reduces tumors of the glands;
promotes the healing of erosive formations;
accelerates the healing of injuries in case of damage to the vaginal mucosa;
promotes the resorption of pathological neoplasms - myomas, polyps, fibroids, uterine fibroids, as well as ovarian cysts, fibroadenomas;
improves trophic functions in the vaginal mucosa;
reduces vaginal dryness;
promotes wound healing in case of damage to the vaginal mucosa;
Suppositories can be used before surgery.
Suppositories have a complex intra-tissue effect, which is aimed at combating various ailments of the female genital tract. They simultaneously fight the causative agent of the disease, eliminate inflammation, pain, stimulate local immunity to fight the disease.

Suppositories consist of a fat base and an active substance. The combined homeopathic remedy has an exclusively natural composition based on natural substances, herbs collected in the ecological area of ​​the Caucasus.

"Tukofit" consists of:
Homeopathic oil of western thuja
Homeopathic tincture of American pokeweed
Homeopathic tincture of hemlock
Suppositories have a balanced dosage of active ingredients, which allows you to get a good result. Phyto-suppositories differ from regular suppositories in their natural component.

How to use
Suppositories are used once a day before bedtime. Insert 1 suppository into the vagina after hygiene procedures. The duration of treatment is 1-2 months. The course will require 3-6 packages. To get the maximum result, you can repeat the course.

To correctly insert the suppositories, you must follow the instructions that come with the drug. You need to insert the suppositories while lying on your back with clean hands, and then do not get up for a while so that the suppositories have time to dissolve. Before use, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

It is not recommended to use Suppositories in case of individual intolerance to certain components, allergic reaction. Non-toxic.

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