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Lonoal V suppositories with hyaluronic acid for women's health 10pcs

Lonoal V suppositories with hyaluronic acid for women's health 10pcs

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Vaginal suppositories "Lonoal" are a product for local use. When administered, it releases hyaluronic acid, which, upon contact with natural secretions, swells and forms a gel-like film on the surface of the epithelium. The protective film formed in this way protects the vaginal mucosa, restoring its natural moisture level. Supports regenerative processes, thereby relieving inflammation and accelerating the healing of damage.

The drug is recommended for the prevention of age-related vaginal dryness, including with estrogen deficiency in the climacteric and postmenopausal period, as well as with hormone replacement therapy, taking contraceptives or other drugs that dry out the vaginal mucosa. The product "Lonoal suppositories" can also be used to moisturize the mucous membrane in case of atrophy and dystrophy of the vaginal epithelium.

Improving the quality of intimate life: reducing epithelial trauma during PA, pain relief.
Slowing down the rate of mucosal atrophy: returning tissue elasticity to normal.
Getting rid of inflammation: blocking the occurrence of inflammation caused by bacteria, fungi, and microorganisms.
Restoring normal acidity levels: maintaining normal pH levels, creating a favorable environment for increasing the number of lactobacilli.
Increasing tissue hydration: replenishing fluid deficiency, moisturizing the mucous membrane.
Wound healing: increasing the rate of tissue regeneration.
Getting rid of discomfort in the perineum: relieves itching, dryness, and burning.

Indications for use
For a feeling of dryness and discomfort (burning, tightness, itching) in intimate areas;
after childbirth, gynecological procedures and operations (including aesthetic gynecology), radiation and chemotherapy;
when using hormonal contraception;
after antibacterial therapy;
to normalize vaginal pH;
as a lubricant to reduce discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Composition and useful properties
Hyaluronic acid 10 mg moisturizes and protects mucous membranes, increases the rate of tissue regeneration and wound healing, reduces the risk of inflammatory processes in the body. Supports natural healing processes of damage to the mucous membrane, including after childbirth, gynecological or surgical procedures, as well as with atrophy of the mucous membrane as a result of chemo- or radiotherapy.
Lactic acid 5 mg is an antiseptic that reduces the activity of pathogenic microflora, normalizes the natural microflora and acidity of the vagina.
Cocoa butter (base) releases dosage forms, demonstrates a softening effect.
Method of application
Before administering Lonoal, wash your hands thoroughly. Carefully remove the suppository from the foil, gently insert it deep into the vagina with your finger. If the suppository is too soft to remove from the blister, place the package in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Insert one globule before bedtime. It is recommended to use the product continuously for 10-20 days, then take a break of 3-4 weeks between courses.

Due to the risk of interaction of active substances, do not use latex condoms during use. Do not use the cream stick during menstruation. Do not use with other drugs administered vaginally. The product is suitable for vaginal use only. Do not swallow! Use sanitary pads during the course of treatment. Before taking during pregnancy, lactation and for children under 12 years of age, consult a doctor.

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