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Vioftan-11 (eye fatigue, optic nerve atrophy of any origin) 15ml / 0.50oz

Vioftan-11 (eye fatigue, optic nerve atrophy of any origin) 15ml / 0.50oz

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Composition: 1 ml of sterile solution contains: demineralized water 8.5±0.5 mg NaCI; 0.1±0.01 mg CaCI2 and 10-10-10-11 mg protein-peptide complex isolated from hazel.

Source of bioregulator: Hazel

Vasodilating effect,
Normalizes metabolic processes
Improves the condition of the vessels of the fundus.
Has a resorption effect in case of hemorrhages.
Vioftans are instilled into the eyes 1-2 drops, 2-4-6 times depending on the condition.

Different Vioftans are instilled at intervals of at least 10 minutes

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