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Emulsion sauce Gymnema 50ml / 1.69oz

Emulsion sauce Gymnema 50ml / 1.69oz

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Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) is a tropical plant with unique properties. It has long been used in Ayurveda to control appetite, treat and prevent diabetes and obesity. In Sanskrit, the name of the plant sounds like "gurmar", which means "sugar destroyer". The substances included in its composition temporarily block the taste buds responsible for the perception of sweet taste, and at the same time reduce appetite.

While taking the emulsion sauce with gymnema extract, the sweet taste will no longer be felt so pleasant and attractive, will not tempt and attract. This will help to cope with the obsessive desire to consume sweet products, change your attitude towards them and correct unhealthy eating habits. Sweet pastries, candies, cakes, chocolates will not evoke the same feelings of joy, calm, or lift your mood. Psychological and emotional associations and attachments to them will disappear.

Gymnema extract affects glucose metabolism and has antidiabetic properties:

reduces the absorption of glucose in the intestine and its entry into the systemic bloodstream;
stimulates the release of insulin;
improves the functioning of the pancreas, promotes the regeneration of pancreatic cells that produce insulin.

Gymnema emulsion sauce is recommended for people who need to give up sweets, reduce their consumption for medical reasons or to lose weight. It will help get rid of cravings for sweets, reduce the calorie content of the diet, reduce appetite and hunger.

Gymnema extract in the emulsion sauce is in liposomal form, providing maximum bioavailability.

Options for combining Gymnema sauce with our other products are given in the table at the link

How to use: 2-3 presses under the tongue, after about a minute you can eat. Duration of action is 1-2 hours, the trail lasts up to a day. The receptors of the tongue can be cleaned with any bitterness, for example, coffee.
Ingredients: water, Gymnema sylvestre extract, sunflower lecithin, xanthan gum, Cinnamomum cassia extract.

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