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Cosmetic cream BPC-157 50ml / 1.69oz

Cosmetic cream BPC-157 50ml / 1.69oz

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Cream BPC-157 contains a reparative and healing peptide (BPC-157), which is one of the most important and "classic" synthetic peptides.
BPC-157 potentiates endogenous anabolic factors and provides better access of nutrients to tissues, modulating the functioning of the vascular system.

Main areas of application

Accelerated healing of muscles, tendons, skin, any soft and connective tissues

Cream BPC-157 can be effective in maintaining health in chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, accelerating regeneration processes after household and sports injuries.
It can be easily included in a complex of rehabilitation measures.
In addition to healing, it has a mild analgesic effect, gradually relieving pain from the injured area. The analgesic effect is due to the influence of the peptide on the channels of the receptors of the transient potential, which relieves pain and improves microcirculation.

If necessary, the product can be used on a permanent basis.

Gastrointestinal tissue healing

BPC-157 is an endogenous gastropeptide, which consists of 15 amino acids and is part of the BPC (body protection compound) protein sequence, which is part of human gastric juice. It promotes the constant regeneration of stomach tissues that come into contact with a very unfavorable and aggressive highly acidic environment.

As an adjuvant, BPC-157 cream is useful for a number of gastrointestinal pathologies (IBD, ulcers, gastritis, SIBO, functional dyspepsia, etc.), as it accelerates the healing of mucous membranes. It also helps reduce the irritating effect of alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

BPC-157 should be considered as an effective addition to therapy, which will accelerate healing and relieve symptoms. But this product cannot replace the main treatment!

Other properties

In studies, the peptide BPC-157 showed good results as an adjuvant in a number of cardiac and neurological diseases.

The liposomal form of the cream BPC-157 provides high bioavailability of the peptide, ease of use and ease of dosing.

Directions for use: apply the contents of two or three presses of the dispenser locally to the area in need of repair and restoration (projection of the intestine, muscles, etc.).
One bottle contains 140 presses.

Ingredients: water, sunflower phospholipids, caprylic-capric triglycerides, gelling agent (carbopol), peptide BPC-157, ethylhexylglycerin, phenoxyethanol.

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