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Neuroprotectia PeptiLite

Neuroprotectia PeptiLite

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Discover new horizons in regeneration and improving the quality of life with our bioregulatory peptide balm "Peptilight".
It will undoubtedly become your ally in accelerating the natural processes of recovery of the body, as an indispensable addition to your main treatment and wellness regime.

"Peptilight" works at the cellular level, eliminating the effects of oxidative stress and negative external influences. Its regenerating effect is aimed at restoring:
- weakened immunity;
- periods of sleep and wakefulness;
- endurance during physical and mental work, sports;
- with minor hormonal disorders;
- after stress, toxic/toxicological effects and other exogenous factors;
- attention, concentration, memory, learning ability.

"Peptilight" starts deep recovery processes and creates the basis for optimal health and well-being.

Method of application: intranasally, 1 drop in each nasal passage on the inner septum 2-4 times a day.
Storage: at a temperature not exceeding 24 degrees, in a dark place. After opening, store at a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees, do not freeze.
Shelf life: 24 months from the date of manufacture, after opening - no more than 50 days.
No contraindications. It is not a medicine.
To enhance and consolidate the effect, a course of treatment of at least 3 months is recommended.

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