Natura Medica Gel-balm HORSE CHESTNUT & TROXERUTIN 85ml

Natura Medica Gel-balm HORSE CHESTNUT & TROXERUTIN 85ml / 2.87oz

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Recommended as an adjuvant in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, prevention of thrombosis, edema and post-traumatic lesions of the veins.
Relieves puffiness, creates a quick effect of freshness and relief from fatigue.
This is an effective foot care product. The combination of natural extracts of horse chestnut and troxerutin helps relieve swelling and eliminate tired legs. The gel is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, leaving the skin soft and moisturized. The product is well suited for people who lead an active lifestyle or work on their feet.
Horse chestnut in combination with troxerutin has a powerful venotonic and decongestant effect.
Gel-balm strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood and lymph circulation, helps restore the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, and increases the tone of venous walls and valves.
Relieves puffiness, creates a quick effect of freshness and relief from fatigue.

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