Peptide complex 5 for bone tissue 10ml

Peptide complex Khavinson 5 for bone tissue 10ml / 0.33oz

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The new generation of natural peptides for external application which does not have analogs in world practice. These are configurations from extremely high-purity peptide fractions, capable to get through any physiological barriers without intermediaries. The Peptide Complexes (PC) are necessary to apply on internal surface of forearm in a projection onto vein course and rub till full absorption. In 7-15 minutes peptides are linking together with dendritic cells, which transfer them to lymph nodes, where peptides do 'transfer' and move with blood flow to the necessary organs and tissues. The gained effect may remain from 4 to 6 months after 2-4 months medicine use. After this term is recommended to resume the course.
Peptide complex for bone tissues. Contains peptides - cartilages.

  • prevention of presenilation,
  • fractures,
  • osteoporosis.

Purified water, glycerin, bioantioxidant complex «Neovitin®», phenoxyethanol and ethylhexylglycerin, propylene glycol, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, xanthan gum, peptide complex A-4, essential oil of lemon, citral, limonene.
How to apply:
Apply 6-8 drops on internal surface of forearm and rub till full absorption. Course duration is 3 months. It is possible to use 6 peptide complexes simultaneously.

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