Peptides Revilab Peptide SL 06 for respiratory system 10ml

Peptides Khavinson Revilab Peptide SL 06 for respiratory system 10ml / 0.33oz

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Peptide complexes Revilab SL for sublingual use.
The first, in world practice, a series of innovative multicomponent preparations for sublingual use.
The effectiveness of this form of reception is due to the fact that the preparation enters the sublingual space with a dense network of capillaries, so that the agent is able to penetrate directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the absorption through the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and the metabolic primary decontamination by the liver. Accordingly, the active substance will remain more, which will manifest itself in a high concentration at the destination.
Recommended for:
• chronic bronchitis
• pulmonary emphysema
• respiratory allergies
• bronchial asthma
• prevention of premature ageing
Purified water,chamomile extract, xylitol, PEG–40 hydrogenated castor oil, orange essential oil, taxifolin, licorice extract, propolis extract, peppermint extract, sodium saccharin, peptide complex AA-15, peptide complex AA-14, peptide complex AA-3, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, clove essential oil, natural flavor “Menthol”, eugenol, limonene.
Drip 5–10 drops on the oral mucosa. Use 2 times a day. Chance presence of natural sediment. Shake before use. Chance presence of natural sediment. Shake before use.
Intake duration — 1 month. If necessary, repeated intakes are possible throughout a year.

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