Peptides IMUSIL - natural immunomodulator and oncoprotector 20 x 0.31g

Peptides IMUSIL - natural immunomodulator and oncoprotector 20 x 0.31g

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The natural innovative immunorestorer on the basis of lakto-and bifidobacteria wall cells in combination with echinacea and ascorbic acid. Activates all the links of immune protection, weakened by daily loadings, infections and stress. Reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms formation.
frequent catarrhal diseases,
chronic stomach and intestine diseases,
chronic nervous system diseases ,
chronic lungs diseases,
chronic heart diseases,
chronic liver diseases,
regular influence of harmful substances on manufactury,
reception of antibiotics,
high physical activities,
intensive sports activities,
prevention of oncological diseases.
Lactose (filler), gelatin capsule (gelatin, food coloring E171), microcrystalline cellulose (regulating agent sticking), yeast probiotic bifidobacteria, extract of the herb echinacea, vitamin C, yeast probiotic lactobacillus, calcium stearate (the flowing agent).
Recommended as a source of lactic bacterias, bifidobacterias, hydroxycinnamic acid and additional source of vitamin C.
How to apply:
As an additional source of lactic microorganisms-probiotics of Lactobacilus and Bifidobakterium, hydroxycinnamic acid and additional source of vitamin C.
Adults and children older 14 years - 1 capsule 2 times a day with meal. Duration of reception is 1 month. Repeated receptions are possible if needed.
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