Peptides Chondromix balm-cream 50ml

Peptides Chondromix balm-cream 50ml / 1.69oz

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Cream-balm on the basis of cartilages and vessels peptides softly and carefully eliminates pain syndrome, improving local blood circulation, nutrition of joint and trophicity of periarticular tissues. Penetration of active components directly to inflamed areas removes spasms of paraarticular muscles, which are activating pain receptors.
The first thing to do in case of pain developing – release muscular block, restore normal blood circulation to provide joints full value nutrition. 'Chondromix', possessing relaxing action, restores blood circulation, releases hypostases, compressing nerve ending, and returns mobility and ease to joints.
pain syndrome, inflammation and puffiness of joints and muscles,
consequences of injuries.
Water, ethylhexyl cocoate, olive oil, cyclomethicone, cetearyl isonanoate (and) ceteareth-20 (and) cetearyl alcohol (and) glyceryl stearate (and) glycerin (and) ceteareth-12 (and) cetyl palmitate, stearic acid, extract cowberry, extract boswelia, extract hot pepper, camphor, menthol, sodium carbomer, juniper essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, rosemary essential oil, peptide complex AA-9, peptide complex AA-7, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin.
How to apply:
Apply on clean skin of problem areas 2-3 times a day by easy circular movements till full absorption.
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