Valentin Dikul Chondroitin sturgeon balm 125ml

Valentin Dikul Chondroitin sturgeon balm 125ml / 4.22oz

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Gel-balm of Academician V.I.Dikul with sturgeon chondroitin, glucosamine, collagen and a complex of B vitamins activates the processes of compensating for age-related deficiency of structural elements for tissue renewal, stimulates natural regeneration processes, and maintains a functional state.
Does not cause negative side effects. Sturgeon chondroitin is close in structure to the tissues of human cartilage, so it easily penetrates and is almost completely absorbed by our body. Chondroitin, obtained from the cartilage of sturgeon fish, has the highest efficiency.
None of the known chondroitins of animal origin can compare with it in terms of activity and bioavailability for the human body. Chondroitin sulfate is the main structural component of cartilage, the natural protector (chondro-protector) of its cells.
Increases the moisture content of the cartilage, prevents it from drying out. Provides mechanical and elastic properties of the articular surfaces, improves the quality of joint lubrication (synovial fluid).
Chondroitin increases the resistance of cartilage to the negative effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and glucocorticoids, promotes better penetration of beneficial glucosamine into inflamed joints, and activates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid.
Interestingly, with oral administration of chondroitin sulfate, its bioavailability is 13%, while when applied externally, it increases to 40%. With a one-year course of treatment with chondroitin sulfate, patients significantly improve joint mobility (up to 50%), reduce the severity of pain syndrome and stabilize radiological parameters (the size of the inter-articular gap and the total thickness of the cartilaginous plate).
A decrease in the severity of pain and an increase in the range of motion occurs already in the third month of treatment, and significantly increase in the sixth and twelfth months from the beginning of the course of treatment with chondroitin sulfate. Glucosamine hydrochloride is an essential element of cartilage tissue.
Provides the production of chondroitin, improves metabolic processes in the joints. Stimulates the synthesis of substances necessary for the restoration of cartilage and the production of synovial fluid. It inhibits the development of degenerative processes in the joints, restores their function, and reduces pain.
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