Peptides Chelohart lingual heart peptides 10ml

Peptides Chelohart Khavinson lingual heart peptides 10ml / 0.33oz

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For the cardiovascular system
Complex of peptide fractions, acquired from cardiac muscle. Discharged peptides possess selective action on myocardium cells, normalize metabolism in cardiac hystiocytes.
The efficiency of Chelohart lingual food supplement was defined at clinical studying. It is effective at diseases related to weakenning of cardiac hystiocytes functional activity: in postinfarction period, at myocardium hypertrophy, myocardiodystrophies of various genesis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and also for elederly people for maintenance of myocardium functional activity.
Recommended for:
coronary heart disease,
postinfarction cardiosclerosis,
myocardiodystrophies of various genesis,
cardiac deficiency,
intensive physical activities and malnutrition.
Water, peptide complex A-14 (peptides of heart muscle).
Daily dose (1 ml) contains 10 mg of peptide complex A-14.
How to apply:
Adults take under the tongue 5–6 drops (0.25–0.35 ml) for 10–15 minutes before eating 3–4 times a day. The duration of intake is 1 month. It is recommended to repeat the intake in 3–6 months.
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