HAYATPRIMEOIL Children's Fish Oil with 90% concentration of Omega-3 HALAL 60capsules

HAYATPRIMEOIL Children's Fish Oil with 90% concentration of Omega-3 HALAL 60capsules

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The filling of children's omega 3 capsules was developed based on the recommendation of a recognized international expert, Dr. W. Sears (California Medical University). Dr. W. Sears recommends for children from 2 to 5 years of age at least 420 mg of DHA + EPA omega 3 acids per day, from 6 to 11 years - 840 mg of DHA + EPA omega 3 acids. We have in one capsule (for 550 mg of fish oil) - 466 mg of omega 3 acids (314 mg DHA + 152 mg EPA)! We openly publish detailed analyzes of the state. laboratories of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of our "stuffing".
10 WHY for Omega 3 HPO Kids!
1. Focus on DHA for actively developing children's brains.
2. We have 90% concentration of DHA+EPA omega 3 acids in fish oil. Ordinary ones have only about 20%. In one of our capsules (for 550 mg of fish oil) - 466 mg of DHA + EPA (314 mg of DHA + 152 mg of EPA), which is a high-quality working dosage.
3. Our Omega 3 HPO Kids are suitable for pregnant and lactating women.
4. We are completely transparent. Unlike others, we openly publish detailed analyzes of the RAMS.
5. Our quality is confirmed by international GMP+BRC certificates.
6. We have hundreds of times better indicators for traces of heavy metals than permitted by GOST.
7. We have fish oil. This means that our fish oil comes from wild fish carcasses (anchovies) and not from liver. After all, it is in the liver that toxins and heavy metals are concentrated.
8. Our Omega 3 triglycerides for better absorption in the body.
9. Our capsules are made from Halal fish gelatin.
10. We have a 100% natural product. Without GMOs, gluten, chemical additives. The composition of the capsules (based on one capsule): fish oil concentrate (548 mg), fish gelatin (119 mg), vegetable glycerin (48 mg), purified water (14 mg), natural vitamin E in the form of D-alpha tocopherol (2mg). The label indicates a minimum allowable threshold of 411mg DHA+EPA per 550mg p fat. In fact, in one of our capsules = for 550 mg of fish oil we have 486 mg of Omega-3. Of these: DHA-314mg, EPA - 152mg, ALA -20mg.
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