NL Herbal Tea Donna Bella 20 x 2g

NL Herbal Tea Donna Bella 20 x 2g

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Donna Bella herbal tea is meant to strengthen women’s health systems and prolong youth. Each of its components, such as marsh cinquefoil, common motherwort, and hops, has medicinal qualities and their combination give powerful protection to women’s organism. The main component of Donna Bella herbal tea is Rhodiola quadrifida, which is a natural hormone, unique in its qualities of treatment and prevention of women’s genital system diseases. The tea drink eliminates endocrine disorders, treats irregular and painful period cycles, insomnia, soothes, increases disease resistance, takes down hot flashes during menopause.
  • Those who love delicious tea.
  • Those who look after health.
  • Those who care for tea ingredients.
  • Those who want to make tea at any place.
Green tea, rhodiola quadrifida (root), common motherwort (herbs), common knotgrass, hops (multiple fruit), fennel, marsh cinquefoil.
Green tea – stimulates the central nervous system and heart activity, increases workability and activity, reduces fatigue and depression. The tea contains polyphenols, which fight free radicals, preventing aging and blood clots formation improving skin and vessel condition.
Rhodiola quadrifida (red brush) – it is called “red brush” for its leaves’ structure and the color. The Altai region is the only place on Earth, where this plant grows. Rhodiola is an immunomodulator, adaptogen, and natural hormone, which is unique in its qualities of treatment and prevention of women’s genital system diseases. It is used in case of Infertility, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, period cycle disorder, salpingitis, menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovary cysts, hypothyroidism, fibrocystic breast changes, and other hormonal disorders. It increases mental and physical activity and improves blood composition.
Common motherwort – has a sedative effect on nervous and heart circulatory systems, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, while strengthening its contractions force. Motherwort is indicated for nerve excitability, neurasthenia, hysteria, hypochondria, heart circulatory system neurosis, for initial stages of essential hypertension, cardiosclerosis, angina, menopause, and neuralgia.
Marsh cinquefoil – has a positive effect on the bile duct, reduces intoxication, renews cells, increases body tone. Is used to treat rheumatism, neurological cramps, thrombophlebitis, hypotension, metabolic disorders.
Fennel boosts appetite, increases lactation, activates digestion and defecation, has spasmolytic, mucolytic and diuretic effects. Is used to treat meteorism, kidney stone, or bladder stone diseases.
Common knotgrass contains bioflavonoids and vitamins. This plant also contains silicon salts that stimulate and maintain many body processes.  
Pour 200 ml of water, boiled to 80-90°С over a pyramid tea bag. Steep for 20 minutes, stir and strain the teabag.
Use as a tea drink.
Can be consumed with sugar, lemon, or honey.
Do not consume if intolerant to any of the ingredients.
In case of urolithiasis consult your doctor before consumption.
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