RE:FOOD Buckwheat Tea Mango PREMIUM

RE:FOOD Buckwheat Tea Mango PREMIUM

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Buckwheat tea "Mango" is the perfect fruit-cereal mix filled with tropical sunshine. A duet of bright juicy mango and creamy buckwheat creates a delicate, pleasant taste and aroma of a warm summer evening. Ku Qiao buckwheat tea is made from Tatar black buckwheat seeds. Ku Qiao tea drink contains many useful substances - vitamins A, E, B, iodine, calcium, silicon, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc. Regular consumption of buckwheat tea is good for the body: tea improves immunity, prevents blood clots, removes toxins , toxins and excess salt from the body, relieves fatigue, normalizes the digestive tract and sugar levels. Buckwheat tea, in addition to the detox effect, also has a relaxing effect, and therefore it is recommended not only for weight loss, but also in stressful or depressive states.
Ingredients: roasted granulated tatar buckwheat grains, mango pieces, mango flavoring.
Cooking method:
1. Pour 5 g of dry product into the kettle
2. Pour 450-500 ml of hot water
3. Leave for 3-5 minutes
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