Leovit Kissel for sleep 20g x 5g

Leovit Kissel for sleep 20g x 5pcs

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as an element of diet therapy for sleep disorders
Sleeping pills, sedative calming effect, helps to reduce sleep disturbances, the frequency of nocturnal awakenings, fatigue, irritability, excitability, tearfulness in children
Ingredients: Fruits and berries (apples, pears), beets, citric acid, motherwort, cinnamon, turmeric, hops, lemon balm, chamomile, mineral water, sugar, potato starch, oatmeal
Pour the contents of the package (20g) into a mug, pour 200 ml of boiling water, mix, let it brew for 1-2 minutes. Take 1-2 times in the afternoon.
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