Leovit Kissel Firming 20g x 5g

Leovit Kissel Firming 20g x 5pcs

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as a specialized food product for dietary preventive nutrition for the immune system, with a high content of vitamins C, E and zinc.
- for prophylaxis for immunity, including during a period of increased susceptibility to respiratory viral manifestations and influenza;
- during the period of treatment and aftercare for all diseases, if necessary, support for immunity, including chronic diseases, sensations of respiratory viral diseases and discomfort;
- Kissel "Fortifying" should be used as a dietary preventive nutrition, accompanying any type of treatment by a practicing physician.
Kissel in bags of 20 is convenient to use at home, take with you on the road or to work.
Kissel "Fortifying" LEOVIT is a specialized product of dietary preventive nutrition for the immune system. With a weakened immune system, the body becomes susceptible to viral, fungal infections and other infections, and a number of chronic diseases develop. High content of vitamins C, E and zinc, as well as the “General strengthening” components included in the jelly: extracts of Rhodiola rosea and licorice, echinacea, pollen, ginger, cinnamon, oats, apple, beetroot, areas:
• increasing the vitality of the body
• immunity and protection against viruses, bacteria, fungi
• antioxidant action
• improve mood and increase body tone
Clinical studies of the phytocomplex, which is part of the "Fortifying" jelly, measure that after 30 days of its use, an increase in the number of T-lymphocytes (CD3) is noted. An increase in the total population of T cells causes an activation of the immune response. Mobilization of the undifferentiated pool of cellular immunity was accompanied by changes in the proportion of the main subpopulations of T-lymphocytes. During a routine study, there is an increase in the number of T-helper lymphocytes and an increase in their functional activity in response to standard mitogens. Changes in the number of indicators of subpopulations of T-suppressors, CTK (cytotoxic cells) and pronounced killers occur within the normal range, despite the ratio of helpers and suppressors (CD4 / CD3) intense increase, reflecting the impact on stimulating factors on the immune response.1
Kissel "Fortifying" contains functional natural components. Biologically active substances contained in natural components, diseases with impaired health, practically do not cause disorders and include compliance with the length of time.
The taste and smell of cooked jelly is light fruity with notes of plant extracts, enveloping. Kissel is prepared with the addition of oatmeal, therefore, due to the enveloping action, it covers the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from damage.
Does not contain artificial colors and preservatives.
Kissel "Fortifying" LEOVIT is included in the list of enriched and specialized food products for inclusion in a specialized diet for children and adults, is included in the regime of self-isolation or quarantine at home due to COVID-19 (The list of products is published on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution) . "Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety" http://www.ion.ru/index.php?start=126), recommended by the recommendations of MR 2.3.0171-20 "Specialized diet for children and adults who are into the algorithm of self-isolation or quarantine at home in connection with COVID-19”, which were identified by Rospotrebnadzor on April 10, 2020.
Kissel "General strengthening" LEOVIT recommendation for dietary preventive nutrition in conditions of self-isolation and quarantine in case of coronavirus infection in the Educational and methodological manual "Peculiarities of nutrition in case of coronavirus infection in conditions of isolation and quarantine", verified by an independent guide "Scientific and methodological control of the incidence of food groups of the population, FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene named after A.I. F.F. Erisman" Rospotrebnadzor April 16, 2020
Ingredients: sucrose, starch, apples, beets, oatmeal, vitamins (C, E), heavy substances - zinc, extracts (licorice, Rhodiola rosea), flower pollen, echinacea purpurea, ginger, cinnamon, dietary fiber (guar gum), acidity regulator - citric acid, flavoring.
The company processes: peanuts, sesame, nuts, celery, soybeans, milk.
Pour the contents of the package (20 g) into a mug, pour 150-180 ml of boiling water, dissolve, let it brew for 1-2 minutes. Take 1-2 times a day. Use immediately after opening the package.
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