Ledum leaves marsh shoots (Ledi palustris cormus) 50g
Ledum leaves marsh shoots (Ledi palustris cormus) 50g

Ledum leaves marsh shoots (Ledi palustris cormus) 50g

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For the treatment of cough with difficult to exude sputum take infusion of wild rosemary. This medicinal plant, rich in anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components, helps to remove thickened mucus from the respiratory tract, and at the same time fight against the cause of the disease - infection and inflammation. The infusion of wild rosemary is indicated for use for bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchopneumonia. Due to the high content of essential oil, this medicinal plant has a bright green color and a pleasant tart smell. Therefore, one of the popular names for wild rosemary is forest rosemary.
Ledum sprouts contain essential oil, the main component of which is ice cream and palustrol. Also found arbutin, tannins, flavonoids.
Pharmacological action: Enhances the secretion of bronchial glands, increases the activity of the ciliary epithelium of the respiratory tract, shows an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi, exerting expectorant, enveloping and antitussive action, has a high antimicrobial activity. On the central nervous system has first stimulating effect, and then paralyzing. Proved hypotensive action of wild rosemary.
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