Sandy immortelle flowers (Helichrysi arenarii flores) 30g

Sandy immortelle flowers (Helichrysi arenarii flores) 30g

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In plant medicine, immortelle is widely used - a plant with a choleretic effect. A decoction of its flowers is often included in complex therapy for diseases of the liver and biliary tract: it is drunk for hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, and some other conditions. The flavonoids and coumarins with which this plant is rich, give spicy bitterness, causing the secretion of bile. The drug not only increases its outflow, but also improves the properties - the immortelle decoction is prescribed at the risk of developing cholelithiasis (ICD), caused by changes in the composition of bile.
The main active ingredients of immortelle flowers are flavonoids - naringenin, salidroside, gelikhrizin, isosalipurpozid; phthalides, steroid compounds, etc.
Pharmacological action: anti-inflammatory, choleretic, hemostatic effect, can somewhat raise blood pressure, improves metabolism, increases diuresis, has a slight sedative and tonic effect. Shows antispasmodic action and antibacterial activity.
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