Valerian rhizomes with roots (Valerianae rhizomata cum radicibus) 50g

Valerian rhizomes with roots (Valerianae rhizomata cum radicibus) 50g

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Valerian is one of the most well-known sedatives in medicine. Infusion of its roots with roots advise taking with nervous tension, insomnia, vascular spasms and migraines. This plant contains about 100 relaxing individual substances and valuable trace elements, as well as essential oil. The possibilities of valerian are not limited to sedatives. It is used for stomach and intestinal spasms, increased nervous excitability, sleep disturbances, and functional disorders of the cardiovascular system. This word comes from the Latin "valere" - "to be healthy."
The rhizomes with valerian roots contain 3.5% of the essential oil, which includes borilizovalerianat, isovaleric acid, borneol, etc., valepatriates, borneol formic, butyric and acetic acids, a number of alkaloids, glycosides, resins, tannins.
Pharmacological action: Valeriana has a sedative, anticonvulsant, coronary dilating, hypotensive action. It has antispasmodic, choleretic and carminative properties, enhances the secretion of the glandular apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract. Stimulates the functional state of the blood coagulation system.
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