Oak bark (Quercus cortex) 75g

Oak bark (Quercus cortex) 75g

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The healing possibilities of oak bark are in the substances that are called “tannins”. They give characteristic tart bitterness and possess astringent properties that greatly help in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous tissues, strengthening and healing them. A decoction of oak bark is applied topically - for rinsing the mouth (with gingivitis and stomatitis), and throat (with tonsillitis and pharyngitis). In addition to tannins, oak bark contains anti-inflammatory elements. This enhances the medicinal value of its decoction, helping to influence the entire mechanism of the disease as a whole.
Oak bark contains tannins, gallic and elagic acids, flavonoids, triterpenoids.
Pharmacological action: oak bark has astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic and wound healing properties. The interaction of extracts from oak with mucous membranes forms a protective film that protects tissues from local irritation.
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