ARAVIA Professional Enzyme Wash Powder 150ml

ARAVIA Professional Enzyme Wash Powder 150ml / 5.07oz

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Light fine powder. When combined with water, it whips into a soft foam that deeply cleanses pores from impurities, removes makeup remains. Thanks to papaya enzymes obtained from milky juice, it gently exfoliates dead cells of the epidermis. Eliminates pastosity, provides a smooth porcelain skin color. Softly acting on the skin, protects it from excessive drying, leaves a feeling of smoothness and silkiness.
(INCI) Disodium Lauryl Sulfosuccinate, Papain, Kaolin, Starch, Maltodextrin, Calcium Carbonate, Xanthan Gum, Talc, Parfum
Pour a small amount of powder into a wet palm. Lather and massage into damp skin. Wash off with water.
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