Hematogen Bar Masha and the Bear 30pcs x 25g
Hematogen Bar Buba 30pcs x 25g
Hematogen Bar PAW PATROL 30pcs x 25g

Hematogen Bar 30pcs x 25g

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Hematogen is a treat for children and adults that boosts mood. One tile of hematogen saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, charging them with vigor for the whole day.
One bar of hematogen replaces six apples. It consists of a daily dose of iron, which helps to saturate the cells of our body with oxygen.
The iron and vitamins contained in the hematogen help to strengthen the immune system and support the body's defenses.
Thanks to the gland that forms part of the hematogen, the cells of the body are supplied with oxygen, which helps to reduce overall fatigue and increase efficiency.
Iron, calcium, iodine and vitamins contained in the hematogen are necessary for the growth and development of your child. It is especially useful for pregnant mothers whose body needs support and care.
In its composition, hematogen contains easily digestible glucose, so its daily use contributes to increased mental activity.

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