Mirra Dai Refreshing Aqua-Spray Lotion with Green Tea and Cypress 100ml

Mirra Dai Refreshing Aqua-Spray Lotion with Green Tea and Cypress 100ml / 3.38oz

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Refreshing Aqua-Spray Lotion with Green Tea and Cypress is an indispensable refreshment spray and toner. Aqua spray covers the skin with a cloud of dispersive particles, which helps restore its moisture balance and strengthens the ability to retain moisture. This spray-on moisturiser comes in handy in poorly aired, low humidity or air-conditioned premises, during flights, road trips and other circumstances when the urgent moisturisation and refreshment is required. The combination of green tea and herb derived antioxidants and flavonoids helps neutralise the environmental hazards.
Instantly moisturises, tones and refreshes the skin;
Removes the senstion of dryness and stretching;
Protects against environmental hazards.
Moisturising spray lotion can be used on any skin type.
Apply a thin layer on face and body
Skin Type
All skin types
Purposes of Application
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