Mirra INTENSIVE Seaweed Mask with Mussel Hydrolyzate 50ml

Mirra INTENSIVE Seaweed Mask with Mussel Hydrolyzate 50ml / 1.69oz

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Algae Mask with Mussel Hydrolysate actively moisturises, nourishes and firms the skin, strengthens blood vessels. As a rich source of vitamins, polysaccharides and trace elements, green and brown algae stimulate skin metabolism and improve microcirculation, facilitate detoxification and restore the skin after stress. Algae Mask is suitable to all types of skin, including redness-prone. However, it brings maximum benefits to dry skin with signs of dehydration.
Intensively nourishes and moisturises the skin;
Normalises microcirculation and strengthens capillaries;
Improves metabolism and detoxifies the skin;
Firms and tones the tissues, improves the complexion.
Apply to a cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

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