Mirra INTENSIVE Topical Muscle Relaxant Cream 15ml

Mirra INTENSIVE Topical Muscle Relaxant Cream 15ml / 0.50oz

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The alternative to beauty injections! The noticeable effect in just a few hours! The efficiency of Anti-Wrinkle Cream Myorelaxant is based on Cone snail discharge extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Marine Collagen, and Vitamin E. Biomimetic Peptides from Cone snail venom (µ-conotoxin) visibly reduce the depth of transverse wrinkles on the forehead, between eyebrows and around the corners of the eyes („crow‘s feet“). Microspheres of Hyaluronic Acid instantly smooth out the skin relief and ensure a lasting moisturisation.
Relaxes the facial muscles; Smoothes out wrinkles; Moisturises the skin. 
Apply locally to wrinkle formation areas, such as forehead, nose and mouth triangle, around the eyes and between eyebrows.
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