Mirra HAIR THERAPY Concentrated Hair Mask INTENSE REPAIR 150ml

Mirra HAIR THERAPY Concentrated Hair Mask INTENSE REPAIR 150ml / 5.07oz

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Healthy and obedient hair is an easily achievable task!
Concentrated Hair Mask INTENSE REPAIR effectively deals with a complex task of hair repair: delivers biologically active substances, repairs the hair from the inside out and forms the invisible protective layer on the hair surface.
The hair cuticle is damaged by thermal treatment, dyes and other chemicals - to the extent, that hair cells become unable to restore the lost lipid structures. The principle way to improve the condition and looks of your hair is to restore and repair the lipid hair coat. The unique ingredient CUTISSENTAL added to the formula helps achieve the result.
CUTISSENTAL is the lipid that represents 60% of protective lipid hair cuticle layer. Due to identical composition, this active ingredient replenishes and restores the structure of lipid hair layer. Thus the hair is protected against environmental hazards, becomes easy to comb, looks healthy and shiny from root to tip.
A rich composition of natural plant oils and extracts at the basis of active formula contains all the nutrients that make your hair flourish.
Biologically active formula:
Hydrolysed keratin - restores the hair along its length;
Avocado oil - actively feeds with nutrients;
Crambe (Abyssinica) oil stimulates hair growth;
Bamboo extract gives the hair strength, elasticity and adds volume;
Olive oil moisturises the hair and adds shine;
Coconut oil smoothes out and protects the hair;
Aloe vera juice softens and strengthens the hair, prevents breakage;
CUTISSENTAL activates regeneration processes.
Apply a small amount of hair mask to cleansed damp hair and distribute along its length. Leave to act for 3-5 minutes, then carefully rinse with warm water. For best results, use once or twice a week. Concentrated Hair Mask INTENSE REPAIR is recommended as an intense hair repair treatment for damaged, dry, breakage-prone hair.
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