Mirra INTENSIVE Balm for face contour correction 50ml

Mirra INTENSIVE Balm for face contour correction 50ml / 1.69oz

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An innovative biological lifting balm for face, neck and décolletage. A special formulation of plant growth factor kinetin, isoquercetin and an innovative peptide complex for activating epidermal growth factor TGF-β boosts the collagen and elastin production. Grain and keratin proteins, vitamins, amino acids, and plant extracts stimulate cellular activity and strengthen the skin’s protective functions. The regular use of Face Contour Lifting Balm allows for employing the principle of cellular cosmetics, i.e. the stimulation of cellular repair processes for correcting skin damage and age-related changes.
stimulates collagen and elastin production; firms the skin and boosts the nutrient absorption;removes the signs of premature ageing.
Apply a small amount morning and (or) night to a cleansed face, neck and décolletage skin.
Purposes of Application
Modeling face contours
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