Mirra PROTECT Cryoprotectant Cream 50ml

Mirra PROTECT Cryoprotectant Cream 50ml / 1.69oz

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Cryoprotectant cream restores the skin's protective functions. Green tea and ginseng polyphenols enhance microcirculation, polyunsaturated fatty acids of essential plant oils help retain moisture and prevent its excessive loss; biologically active agents of propolis improve the skin's immunity. As a result of regular use, the skin's adaptive potential and resistance to hazardous environmental factors are improved. The cream doesn’t leave the oily film on the skin and may well serve as a primer.
Protects the skin against wind and low temperatures,Enhances capillary blood flow, Nurtures, moisturises and improves skin elasticity.
Apply to exposed skin areas 10-15 minutes before going out.
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