Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRASIL-3 biocomplex with hawthorn and hop extracts 60x0.3g

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRASIL-3 biocomplex with hawthorn and hop extracts 60x0.3g

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Milk thistle oil and plant extract complex is recommended as a supplementary source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.
Improves the blood and oxygen supply to the heart and brain, boosts the energy metabolism in those organs. Helps normalise the cholesterol level, prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Has a benevolent effect on the liver, cardiovascular system and urinary tract.
Take 3-5 capsules x 2 times daily with meals. This accounts for 40% Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and 45% Vitamin E of the recommended daily intake. The length of one course is 20 days.
Contraindications: individual intolerance of ingredients.
Expiry date – 1 year
60 capsules x 0.3 g
1 capsule contains Milk Thistle Oil (220.6 mg), Hawthorn Oil (16 mg), Hop Extract (3.3 mg), Rosemary (0.1 mg) and Gelatine (60 mg). Soft gelatine capsules contain pharmaceutical grade gelatine and glycerine.
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