Mirra HAIR THERAPY UV & Heat Protection Hair Shine Spray 100ml

Mirra HAIR THERAPY UV & Heat Protection Hair Shine Spray 100ml / 3.38oz

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The concentrated spray serum is an innovative no-rinse hair care treatment. Contains 5 types of protein. Quickly restores the damaged, weakened and dyed hair. Hydrolysed Keratin and Sweet Lupin, Wheat, Rye and Oat Protein, combined with biologically active amino acid complex, instantly repair the damaged hair, smooth out the raised and chipped cuticle, provide the hair with mirror-like sleekness, elasticity and shine without weighing it down. Protectant Hair Shine Spray protects the hair against mechanical and chemical damage (including blow dryers, flat irons, curling irons and permanent hair dyes), as well as from environmental hazards. For the maintenance of dyed hair, it is recommended to combine this treatment with the Moisturising Shampoo and Hair Conditioner HAIR THERAPY. Active ingredients: Hydrolysed Keratin and Amino Acid Complex repair the cuticle, give the hair a sleek and shiny look. Pro-Vitamin B5 (D-Panthenol) restores the hair damaged by dying and thermal treatment.
Spray on the dry or damp hair at full length, except the area at the roots. UV & Heat Protection Hair Shine Spray is recommended to use for repair of all types of hair.
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