Mirra Nail Biting Prevention Treatment 8ml

Mirra Nail Biting Prevention Treatment 8ml / 0.27oz

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The new Nail biting prevention treatment will help you deal with an annoying habit of biting your nails.
Takes care of your nails and gives them a diamond glow. Once applied, dries quickly.
Contains 2 components to protect the nails and the cuticula against biting:
• denatonium benzoate, an essentially harmless substance distinguished by a bitter taste;
• garlic extract that is a natural antiseptic and has no smell.
Nail-biting prevention treatment formula is enriched with vitamin E and calcium pantothenate that moisturises, soothes and strengthen the nails while helping maintain their elasticity. The formula does not contain nitrocellulose.
• apply daily to clean nails in one or two layers until you get rid of the habit of biting nails;
• apply a single layer on lacquered nails until you get rid of the habit of biting your nails.
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