Mi&ko Lip balm No.0 15ml

Mi&ko Lip balm No.0 15ml / 0.50oz

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Does your gloss take care of your lips?
mi&ko lip balm makes lips seductively silky and cares for healthy skin. The effect of a double transformation in a stunning appearance and effective nutrition of delicate skin! Gloss #0 can be used as a base for lipstick. mi&ko the result is obvious!
Vegetable lanolin - protects the skin of the lips from the harmful effects of the environment
Castor oil - softens the skin of the lips, makes them more tender and velvety
Rosemary extract - stimulates blood circulation and skin regeneration
Ingredients: Castor oil (and) carnauba wax (and) beeswax, vegetable lanolin, vegetable squalane, rosehip oil, extracts of rosemary, alpine rose, rose essential oil.
Application: Apply to dry lips. Can be used as a base for lipstick.
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