Mi&ko Healing Chic Lip Balm COSMOS ORGANIC 15ml

Mi&ko Healing Chic Lip Balm COSMOS ORGANIC 15ml / 0.50oz

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Soft, tender, seductive lips at any time of the year - why not? Balm "Chic" - first aid to overdried, cracked lips. Of the entire line of natural MiKo balms, it has the brightest healing properties. Even in one night, it will transform the skin of the lips, cope with the unpleasant consequences of frost, dryness, UV radiation, and the use of decorative cosmetics. And when the cracks and wounds pass and you admire yourself in the mirror, the balm will continue to protect, nourish and rejuvenate your lips day after day.
Like all products of the Chic line, the balm does not contain essential oils and is perfect for you if you prefer products without a pronounced aroma.
INCI: shea butter, soy wax, almond oil, rose hip oil, extracts of sage, maclaya.
Apply the balm evenly on clean, dry lips.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.

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