Natura Siberica Little Baby Bath Gel 250ml

Natura Siberica Little Baby Bath Gel 250ml / 8.45oz

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Contains organic linden and St. John's wort extracts. Gentle bath gel gently cleanses the baby's skin without causing a feeling of dryness. Organic linden extract has a softening, moisturizing and soothing effect on the skin, prevents its peeling. Organic St. John's wort extract has anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. 0% SLS, parabens, silicones or synthetic dyes.
Apply a small amount to damp skin, lather up and rinse off with water. Suitable for babies from the first days of life.
INCI: Aqua, Tilia Coredata Flower Water* (organic linden extract), Lauryl GluCoside, Sodium CoCo-Sulfate, GluCrin*, CoCamidopropyl Betaine, CoCo-GluCoside, GluCul Oleate, HyperiCum Perforatum Export* (organic extract of St. John's wort), Sodium Сhloride, Pinus Sibirica Needle ExportWH (organic extract of Siberian pine), Larix Sibirica Needle ExtraCWH (organic extract of Siberian larch), Achillea Asiatica ExtraCWH (organic extract of Asian yarrow), Pineamidopropyl BetainePS, Hippophae Rhamnoidesamidopropyl BetaineHR, Benzyl Alcohol, DehydroaCetiC Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, CitriC Acid, Parfum, Linalool**, Citropylol**, Geraniol**.
* - organic ingredients.
** - natural ingredients of essential oils.
WH - organic extracts and oils of wild plants of Siberia.
PS - Siberian cedar oil derivative.
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