KLEONA Make-up Removal Milk White Rice 150ml

KLEONA Make-up Removal Milk White Rice 150ml / 5.07oz

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Developed for people with hypersensitivity to odors; with sensitive skin; prone to allergic reactions; for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Effectively cleanses, gently removes make-up and impurities from the surface of the skin. Softens the skin, restores its natural level of moisture. Does not irritate, does not tighten the skin, does not cause burning when it gets into the eyes, does not leave an oily film behind, does not clog pores. Not intended for removing silicone-containing products (bases, foundations, BB and CC creams).
Water, rice bran oil, olive oil, sucrose stearate, emulsion wax, rice extract, honeysuckle extract, sorbitan caprylate, a-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), beet betaine, lactic acid, sodium lactate, xanthan gum.
Make-up removal is carried out with a cotton pad, along massage lines, without stretching the skin. Apply milk with a cotton pad on the skin, remove makeup. The remaining milk must be washed off with warm water.
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