Belita CRYOMEZO complex MezoWater micellar makeup remover Moisturizing 72 hours 150ml / 5.07oz

Belita CRYOMEZO complex MezoWater micellar makeup remover Moisturizing 72 hours 150ml / 5.07oz

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MezoWater effectively removes makeup from the face and eyelids, cleanses the skin of impurities, and instantly gives a feeling of freshness and hydration thanks to its intensely moisturizing ingredients.

Vegetable carbohydrates deeply moisturizes the skin and retains moisture for 72 hours*, strengthening the skin, giving it softness and a radiant, healthy appearance.

*the effect is achieved after 1 month, the effectiveness has been proven by DSM Switzerland.

Hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity, and improves its appearance.

As a result, the skin becomes clean, fresh and hydrated.

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