MIXIT All-in-One Essence Moisturizing serum 30ml / 1.01oz

MIXIT All-in-One Essence Moisturizing serum 30ml / 1.01oz

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Nourishing serum for makeup with natural oils.

How does it work:
Macadamia oil nourishes the skin, saturates it with vitamins and microelements, softens and reduces flaking;
Apricot kernel oil normalizes internal metabolic processes and improves blood microcirculation;
Raspberry seed oil promotes skin regeneration;
Rice bran oil softens, mattifies, improves elasticity;
cranberry seed oil prevents dehydration of the epidermis;
crambe oil improves smoothness and silkiness, strengthens the skin;
Green coffee oil has a powerful tonic effect.
intensive, long-lasting skin hydration;
complete elimination of dryness;
enhanced fight against peeling;
deep saturation of the skin with vitamins and microelements;
noticeable improvement in skin elasticity;
smooth, matte surface for makeup.

Apply the product to clean skin of the face and area around the eyes. Suitable for daily use in the morning and/or evening. Primer. Apply a few drops to clean facial skin under makeup. Suitable for daily use.

Purposes of Application
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