MIXIT All-in-One Essence Oil-Сontrol Serum & Anti-Blemish Primer 30ml / 1.01oz

MIXIT All-in-One Essence Oil-Сontrol Serum & Anti-Blemish Primer 30ml / 1.01oz

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Sebum-regulating serum for makeup with a complex effect.

How does it work:
Matmarine sebum-correction complex reduces pores, mattifies the skin, regulates lipid metabolism;
d-panthenol promotes skin regeneration and hydration;
zinc RSA has a mattifying and sebum-regulating effect;
Reflective microparticles give the skin a healthy glow, smoothing out imperfections and unevenness.
intensive reduction of pores;
prolonged skin hydration;
enhanced control of sebum secretion;
flawless, healthy skin glow;
careful smoothing of all imperfections and irregularities;
perfect skin and makeup throughout the day.

Apply to clean skin of the face and area around the eyes. Suitable for daily use in the morning and/or evening. Primer. Apply a few drops to clean facial skin under makeup. Suitable for daily use.

Purposes of Application
Acne treatment
Oil control
Reduction of pores
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