KLEONA Dry Skin Mask Oatmeal 50g

KLEONA Dry Skin Mask Oatmeal 50g

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Oatmeal mask is an indispensable face care product. This is the best way to gently cleanse, moisturize and soothe dry, sensitive or irritated skin. A natural moisture-retaining complex based on natural sugars, milk proteins and oat proteins quickly restore the hydro-lipid balance of the skin, restore its smoothness, firmness and elasticity. Linden, chamomile and calendula soothe the skin, accelerate the process of cell regeneration. The result of using the mask is soft, velvety skin and a beautiful complexion.
Ingredients: ground oatmeal, rice flour, milk powder, linden flowers, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, betaine, natural polysaccharide moisture-retaining complex, olive oil, butter sweet almond, sodium lactate, citric acid, lavender (Lavandula officinalis Chaix.) essential oil, blue chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) essential oil.
Use: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry mask with a small amount of boiling water and, having covered with a lid, steam it. Apply the cooled, but still warm gruel on the skin of the face, gently massage it for about 1 minute and after 15 minutes wash it off with warm water.
Skin Type
Dry skin
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