Horse Force ULTRA-MOISTURIZING HAIR CARE MASK with oat germ amino acids and cationic polymers 200ml

Horse Force ULTRA-MOISTURIZING HAIR CARE MASK with oat germ amino acids and cationic polymers 200ml / 6.76oz

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The active formula of the Mask is specially designed to deeply moisturize the driest hair. The Mask has a weightless structure, while providing intensive care, restoring the natural hydrobalance of the scalp and hair.
Additionally, the complex of active components of the Mask is reinforced with Cationic polymers capable of reconstructing the hair structure by being incorporated into it. Hair becomes strong, elastic with a radiant shine, and easy to style.
Oat amino acids and cationic polymers have a powerful synergetic effect: restore damaged hair structure; protect from sections and brittleness; seal the split ends; return strength and shine to lifeless, tarnished hair; deeply moisturize the hair cuticle; prevent hair loss.
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