Microliz Face Mask Peptide 25g

Microliz Face Mask Peptide 25g

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Ingredients: aloe vera gel, whey, MATRIXYL synthe 6, vitamin C, xanthan gum, vanilla essential oil, silver citrate.
Napkin made of non-woven material - 100% viscose.
Action: Peptides maintain a high level of activity of cellular systems. This means that the skin is better protected, cells are more resistant to oxygen deficiency, toxic substances and other destructive factors. Peptides activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which helps to reduce existing wrinkles; the skin is tightened, moisturized, actively resists numerous aging factors; overall skin tone increases, collagen fibers are strengthened. The constant use of the peptide mask starts the restoration processes of the normal functioning of cell tissues, and also regulates their metabolism, microcirculation in various layers of the skin and the state of the vessel walls are restored, which leads to improved blood supply and nutrition of skin cells, the complexion improves, vascular networks and asterisks decrease. The mask is suitable for the correction of wrinkles at any age.
Suitable for daily use.
Application: apply a mask on cleansed skin for 20-30 minutes, remove and rinse off the remaining mask with warm water. For optimal results, use a mask course 1-2 times a week up to 4 months 2 times a year.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.
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