Microliz Face Mask Taiga Siberia 25g

Microliz Face Mask Taiga Siberia 25g

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Ingredients: distilled water (Aqua), Kalanchoe juice, extracts: yarrow, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, cornflower, rosehip, juniper, Siberian fir, currant leaf, peony; vitamins A, E, C (Vitamins A, E, C), vegetable collagen (Collagen), xanthan gum (Xanthan Gum), depanthenol (D-Panthenol), hyaluronic acid (Hyaluronic Acid), silver citrate (Silver Citrate), essential vanilla oil (Vanilla Planifolia (Vanilla) essential fruit oil), lavender essential oil (Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia)).
Smoothes the face and gives elasticity to the skin. Eliminates imperfections and narrows pores. It removes traces of fatigue and tones. Saturates with vitamins and gives a healthy glow.
Natural tissue mask based on herbs with plant collagen instantly gives the skin a fresh, healthy, well-groomed and radiant look. Cornflower eliminates swelling, saturates with vitamins and minerals. Chamomile relieves irritation, softens and soothes. Rosehip, currant tone and strengthen the skin. Peony has a lifting effect. Sage cleanses and tightens pores. Plant collagen deeply moisturizes and rejuvenates.
Application: Apply to a clean face skin mask for 20 - 30 minutes, remove the mask and wash your face with water. To achieve maximum results, apply the mask in a course every other day for 10 days, then 1-2 masks per week and if necessary.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.
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