Microliz Alginate Eye Mask 30g

Microliz Alginate Eye Mask 30g

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- For delicate and sensitive eye skin;
- Removes puffiness;
- Reduces dark circles;
- Helps fight aging;
- Moisturizes and tones
The brown algae included in the mask, such as Himanthalia, are rich in sulphate polysaccharides (Laminarins, Fucoïdans), which activate microcirculation and provide effective puffiness removal. The polyphenols contained in algae are involved in the fight against
with free radicals, which are responsible for premature skin aging and act
as antioxidants. Thali'Source is an exclusive marine active ingredient with a moisturizing effect, rich in marine oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Improves hydration of the epidermis and reduces water loss.
Ingredients: Diatomaceous Earth (Solum Diatomeae), Alginate, Calcium Sulfate (Calcium Sulfate), Vitamin C, Crithmum Maritimum Extract, Hemanthalia Elongata Extract, Hyaluronic Acid (Sodium Hyodiumaluronate)
Using a spatula, mix 10 g of the mask with 30 ml of water at room temperature in a glass or plastic container until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Avoid the formation of lumps when preparing the mixture. Immediately (no later than two minutes of mixing), apply the mask in a thick, even layer around the eye contour. The action time is 20-30 minutes, then carefully and delicately separate the mask. Wash your face with warm water and proceed to the subsequent facial treatments. Apply a course of 5-15 procedures 2-3 times a week.
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