Ecocraft Natural mask for strengthening and nourishing the hair Lime & mint 150ml

Ecocraft Natural mask for strengthening and nourishing the hair Lime & mint 150ml / 5.07oz

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Neem oil smoothes and nourishes hair. Burdock, castor oil make hair strong and healthy, enhance shine.
Composition: deionized water with extracts of lime, peppermint, lemon, burdock oil, oil castor, oil it, glyceryl monostearate, cetyl alcohol, hydrolyzed wheat protein, isoamyl laurat, isoamyl of Cocoate, inulin, vegetable glycerin, honey extract, almond extract, lactic acid, provitamin B5, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, rosemary extract, fragrance oil.
Mode of application: apply to clean, damp hair with light massaging movements, leave for 3-5 minutes, rinse with plenty of water.
Purposes of Application
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