Teana AlgoBotoRelax ABR5 Relaxing alginate face mask with Bilberry, Vitamin C and Myoxinol 30g

Teana AlgoBotoRelax ABR5 Relaxing alginate face mask with Bilberry, Vitamin C and Myoxinol 30g

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Calms and relieves redness.
Strengthens capillary walls.
Lightens pigmentation and smoothes the tone.
Moisturizes deeply.
Effect: this mask targets the problem of couperose. It calms the skin fast, reducing redness and lightening pigmentation. It stimulates blood microcirculation, helps strengthen capillary walls, and gives antioxidant protection. Vitamin C tones tired skin, filling it with a youthful energy. Myoxinol helps smooth expression lines.
Result: calmer, smoother skin with a rested appearance.
Skin type: sensitive skin with spider veins.
Active ingredients: algin, rice powder, vitamin C, bilberry extract, myoxinol (hibiscus extract).
We recommend to apply a mask ampoule serum in accordance with the desired effect - it will enhance the effect by several times!
Mix 30 g of the mask with 90 ml of warm water (at a comfortable temperature for you), stir the mask until the lumps are completely dissolved (to the consistency of thick sour cream). IMPORTANT: one sachet is designed for one use, because it is the mask applied in a thick layer that will provide the most pronounced result.
Apply the resulting mask with a spatula onto cleansed face skin (including the eyes and neck) in a thick layer. Leave on for 15-20 minutes until it hardens completely. IMPORTANT: after dilution, IMMEDIATELY apply the mask, because it freezes very quickly.
Remove the mask in one layer with a smooth motion from bottom to top. The course of application is 10-15 masks. The recommended frequency of use is 3 times a week.
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