Mi&ko Anti-Acne Face Mask COSMOS ORGANIC 50ml

Mi&ko Anti-Acne Face Mask COSMOS ORGANIC 50ml / 1.69oz

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The new formula of the Anti-acne mask contains 70% ingredients of organic origin.
Unlike the previous version, mint hydrolate and boswellia extract have been added to the new composition. Both components have high anti-inflammatory properties.
Peppermint hydrolate reduces microbial activity without overdrying the skin.
Boswellia extract effectively blocks the synthesis of leukotrienes, hormone-like substances that are one of the main factors in inflammation. In addition, Boswellia improves complexion, eliminates dryness, restores elasticity, reduces wrinkles and protects the skin from stress. ⠀
The Anti-Acne Mask is the smart way to get rid of acne. Because she:
Reduces breakouts and protects against new ones
Shrinks pores, improves skin appearance
Evens out tone, eliminates oily sheen
Restores skin microbiota
The mask has a pleasant creamy texture, does not dry out on the skin when applied, and after rinsing leaves a feeling of tenderness and softness. ⠀ Ideal for oily and problem skin in the acute stage. ⠀ ⠀
Ingredients: mint hydrolate*, green clay, neem wax, glycerin** squalane, sucrose stearate, white willow bark extract, water, refined watermelon seed oil*, grape seed oil”, sage extract, inulin, lecithin, borage oil* Senegalese acacia gum (and) xanthan gum, grapefruit essential oil", magnolol (and) honokiol (and) sodium levulinate, tamanu oil unrefined* anisic acid, boswellia extract, juniper bark essential oil** lactic acid, clary sage essential oil*, essential oil myrtle*, chaga extract, hop extract, birch leaf extract, ginger essential oil, witch hazel extract, oak extract, calamus extract.
*organic farming ingredient
** made with organic ingredients
Apply to pre-cleansed face skin, excluding the area around the eyes and lips, with a visible layer, leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water and use a finishing cream.
Application options: all over the face, in the area of ​​​​rashes or locally on acne (in the latter case, you can leave it to dry or overnight).
Recommended course daily use until visible results. If necessary, you can use the mask several times a day.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.
Purposes of Application
Acne treatment
Reduction of pores
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